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How to Register

E-Mail Only

Sonoma State University considers e-mail to be the official method for communicating University business with students. Each student is provided with a campus Seawolf account. We strongly urge you to review the contents of your Seawolf account on a frequent and regular basis. Critical notifications from the University related to enrollment, academic status, and graduation will be sent to your Seawolf account. Students may forward messages from this account to an address used regularly. See the IT webpage for instructions.

Registration Information

Email notification of upcoming registration is sent approximately two weeks before the start of registration. Registration appointments are set approximately one week before the start of registration. The calendar contains an outline of important dates and deadlines related to registration and other enrollment related activities. Reviewing your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) on a frequent and regular basis as well as meeting with your Academic Advisor will help you stay on track.

More in-depth information can be found in the Schedule of Classes and the Catalog.  To review the policy on Registration Eligibility, please review the Registration Eligibility page.

Online Registration

Registration at SSU is online through your MySSU portal. Students may use MySSU to add, drop or swap classes through the end of the second week of classes in fall and spring semesters (specific closures will be noted on the calendar). Changes to your class schedule are immediate. Each semester, students are assigned an Enrollment Appointment for building their class schedule and registering.

Enrollment appointments are in order by special groups approved by the Academic Senate, then by class level, and finally by units. Once you are allowed access to registration, you may continue to make changes to your schedule until the end of that registration period. During open registration and add/drop periods, your access to registration is on first come, first-served basis.

How to Get a Seawolf ID

If you do not already have a Seawolf username and password, visit the Online Service: Password Tool page to obtain one. If you are a new applicant to SSU, please remember that the information you submit should match that on your admission application.

Continuing students should use their current Seawolf username and password.

If you can't remember your Seawolf username or password, go to SSU Online Services: Change Password. 

Registration Dates 

Registration by appointment begins April 14th and ends April 18th. 

Registration continues April 19th.

For the purpose of assigning registration appointments, the categories of students are defined as:

  • Seniors (90 or more completed units)
  • Juniors (60-89 completed units)
  • Sophomores (30-59 completed units)
  • Freshman (0-29 completed units)

Unit Limits

  • Undergraduate students will be eligible to register for up to 18 units
  • Graduate and credential students may register for up to 18 units
  • Wait List: 12 units maximum

Requests for more than 18 units:

  • Students who have filed for Fall 2025 graduation will have requests processed as they are received.
  • All other requests will be reviewed prior to the start of the next registration period (usually in January for Spring semester and July for Fall semester).
  • The maximum that may be taken in any given semester is 23 units.

Late Registration

  • No appointment required
  • Late fee applicable for first-time registrants

If you fail to pay your tuition fees or confirm financial aid by the University’s established fee deadlines, you may lose the classes in which you are enrolled.

Registration Process

  1. Log on to MySSU, Student Center

  2. Once you successfully login, it is important that you immediately check:
    • Your registration appointment
    • Any Holds

  3. During your assigned registration times(s) you can:

    • Add

    • Drop

    • Swap

    • Change your basis of grading

  4. Pay your registration fees

How to Register

View the Registration 101 video for instructions on how to add a class. Once you have added a class successfully and receive a Green Check mark, you are officially registered or on the waitlist.

Restricted Classes

There are several levels of restrictions that are monitored by the registration system.  The footnotes in the Schedule of Classes indicate these restrictions.  The following restrictions which are monitor by the system include:

  • Major    
  • Class Level    
  • Prerequisites    
  • Corequisites    
  • Cohort section/class

Teaching Mode Definitions

Synchronous Online Class – Students meet as a class online with the instructor at the times given in the schedule. A synchronous final time will also be assigned to the class as appropriate.

Asynchronous Online Class – No meeting times for the class.  Students access the lecture and other class materials online on their own time.

Bisynchronous Online Class – A mixture of both synchronous and asynchronous components. Synchronous meeting times will appear on the schedule and can include class meeting times and/or synchronous exams.

Face-to-Face Class – The students meet either on campus or off-campus with the instructor. If meeting on campus, the room will be designated on the schedule.

Hybrid Face-to-Face/Online Class – A mixture of both on/off-campus and online components.  Online components can be either synchronous or asynchronous. 


You may add or drop a class during registration, the add/drop period and late registration.  Once you decide to drop a class, do so immediately so that other students can add your vacated seat.  You may only add a class if space is available on the computer system.  SITTING IN ON A CLASS IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO ENROLLMENT IN A CLASS and you will not receive credit for the class.  You are only added when you complete the online transaction and see that it has been successfully added.

Late Adds

Petitions to add after the deadline will be accepted during the third and fourth week of instruction.  Submission of a petition and paying the Administrative fee does not guarantee approval. 

Dropping Classes

You may drop classes during registration and the add/drop period.  Drops are done online for the first 2 weeks of instruction.  After the add/drop period, you may still drop classes online weeks 3 and 4 however, you will be assigned a non-punitive grade of "W" for the course(s) dropped.

Students cannot drop all of their classes or their last class online once the semester begins.  If you need to drop your only class, your last class, or all of your classes, you must fill out the Withdrawal form which is available online.  Please see the section on withdrawal.

Enrollment in Special Studies, Internship, and Community Involvement Program

Enrollment in Special Studies, CIP and some internships must be done in person. These classes may be added only upon receiving required approvals on the appropriate contract during the Registration and Add/Drop periods. The contract is available in the department offering the course. "Contract Courses" generally follow the same deadlines as add/drop; However, we accept them through the Petition to Add deadline date without penalty. If this is the only class for which you are registering, please note this at the time you submit your form.

Special Studies, CIPs and Internships received after the regular Add/Drop date (weeks 3-4 of the semester) are not guaranteed to be processed until after the registration freeze (see Calendar for dates).

Registration Assistance for Students with Disabilities

Computer stations equipped with adaptive software are available in the AsTECH Lab, (Schulz 1058C - within the 24-hour lab) and on the first, second and third floors of the library. Call (707) 664-4361 for additional information.

Students with temporary or permanent disabilities who need assistance with the registration process should contact Disability Services for Students at 707-664-2677 (Voice) or 664-2958 (TTY).

Fee Information

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory system-wide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU-listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory system-wide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 - 66028.6 of the Education Code).

Fee information and the registration payment process are available from Seawolf Services.


Helpful Tool to Stay on Track

Want to know if you are on track to graduate? Interested in preparing your schedule for Spring 2025 registration? Check your ARR to see what graduation requirements and major requirements you need to complete. Watch our View Your Academic Requirement Report video for more information!