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Reinstatement from Disqualification

Academic Probation, Disqualification and Progress

Academic standing is calculated one time at the end of each semester following the end of the fall and the spring grade processing cycles. It is not calculated at the end of the winter or summer sessions. Winter will be included in the spring calculations, and summer will be included in the fall calculations.

For detailed information, refer to the Academic Senate policy, Academic Standing, Probation, Disqualification and Reinstatement. 


Please review the information below carefully, and be sure to email to make an appointment with the Reinstatement Coordinator for questions about appealing disqualification or developing an advising plan on how to return to SSU from disqualification.

  1. Students who have been disqualified may not apply for immediate reinstatement.
  2. Before submitting a petition to the University Standards Committee for reinstatement, undergraduate students (or students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree) who have been disqualified must do the following:
    1. Complete at least 12-graded semester units at another accredited college or university, or through the Open University Program at SSU.
    2. Pass ALL transferable units taken after disqualification from SSU with an average GPA of 2.0 or better.
    3. Endeavor to raise the student’s SSU and cumulative GPAs to a 2.0 or better (in part by repeating classes for a better grade).
    4. In choosing courses to take, undergraduate students should, whenever possible:
      1. Repeat courses with grades of C- or below, especially F and D grades. 
      2. Complete any General Education (GE) areas that are not complete.
      3. Fulfill lower-division course requirements for the major.
  3. In some cases, undergraduate students may not be able to take equivalent courses to raise their SSU or cumulative GPA to the required level without returning to SSU. In that case, the student should clearly outline the circumstances preventing the raising of their GPA in the reinstatement petition. The University Standards Committee may, in that case, reinstate a student conditionally.
  4. Graduate, credential or post-baccalaureate students who have been disqualified may not be reinstated through the above process, but must reapply for admission to their department and the university.
    • Disqualified students are reinstated on a probationary basis and must meet any requirements outlined by the department in the reinstatement letter from the student's graduate program.
  5. Refer to the Reinstatement Checklist for information on how to get reinstated.
  6. Second Disqualification: Students who have been reinstated after disqualification and then disqualified again may not be considered for reinstatement except under exceptional circumstances.