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Note NbrDescription
0002Course open to majors only
0003Consent of instructor required
0004Additional Fee Required
0005Must be taken in conjunction with another class
0006Student must have approval of major department graduate coordinator
0007Additional hour(s) to be arrange
0008Cross-listed class -- see department for alternate listing
0009Acceptable for Social Science Single Subject Matter Preparation Program
0010Student-taught course with faculty sponsor
0011General Education (GE)
0012Open to Juniors and Seniors Only.
0013EOP Academy
0014Corresponding language lab course required
0015Consent of Department Required
0016Course meets Ethnic Studies requirement
0017Available for university credit but not for credit toward baccalaureate
0018Field trips to be arranged
0019Meets first half of semester
0020Contact department for special information
0021By placement exam only
0022Class meets off campus
0023Course meets every other week
0024Intensive Learning Experience course for ILE students only
0025Meets second half of semester
0026Consult department for specific meeting times/locations
0027Open to Seniors Only.
0028Class closed until announced open
0029Service-Learning Course
0030An Auto Enrolled Section
0031Asynchronous Online Class - No meeting times for the class.  Students access the lecture and other class materials online on their own time.
0032Open to Juniors, Seniors and Graduates Only.
0033Open to Graduates Only.
0034Open to Seniors and Graduates Only.
0035Open to Sophmores, Juniors, Seniors and Graduates Only.
0036Open to Graduating Seniors
0037Self-Paced Course.
0038Former introductory coursework in statistics is required. This class is intended as a "refresher" course.
0039Non-majors need department approval.
0040Open to Juniors Only.
0042Course open to Sociology Majors and Minors Only
0043Course open to Political Science Majors and Minors Only.
0044Class Meets Every Other Week
0045Course open to ENSP Majors and Minors
0046Class open to SOCI and HD Majors and Minors Only.
0047Class open to SOCI, WGS and HD Majors and Minors Only.
0048Prerequisite: SOCI 300 required.
0049Class meets alternate days.
0050FIG  FIrst Time First Year Interest Group students only.
0051Class open to CCJS Majors and Minors Only.
0052Reserve Capacity
0053WGS majors and minors only.
0054Sociology Majors, Minors and Queer Studies Minors only.
0055Open to Freshmen and Sophomores only.
0056Open to HD majors only.
0057For PSY & WGS majors & Queer Studies minors only
0058This course only meets one quarter of the semester.
0059The waitlist functionality will not be on for this section.
0060Partial Semester Course
0061Course open to SOCI and ECS majors and minors only.
0062Course restricted to SOCI, HD & Early Childhood Studies majors and minors.
0063Open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only.
0064And Graduate Students
0065Liberal Studies Ukiah Majors Only.
0066Class open to sophomores only.
0067Class open to first time first year students only.
0068Course restricted to Sophomores and Juniors only.
0069Course restricted to SOCI majors/minors and GERN minors only.
0070Course restricted to PSY majors and minors only.
0071Contract required - not open for self-registration.
0072Majors only until the 2nd week of registration.
0073Majors only until registration resumes at the end of July.
0074Course open to GEP/GEOG/ENSP majors and minors only.
0075Hybrid Face-to-Face/Online Class - A mixture of both on/off campus and online components.  Online components can be either synchronous or asynchronous.
0076Majors/minors only until registration resumes at the end of July.
0077Students are required to purchase materials from material list in Syllabus.
0078Synchronous Online Class - Students meet as a class online with the instructor at the times given in the schedule. A synchronous final time will also be assigned to the class as appropriate.
0079This is an online hybrid course with both synchronous and asynchronous components.
0080Completion of GE Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4) with a C- or better, completion of B1, B2 and at least 45 units.
0081Completion of GE Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4) with a C- or better, completion of LD C requirements and at least 45 units.
0082Completion of GE Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4) with a C- or better, completion of LD D requirements and at least 45 units.
0083Bisynchronous Online Class - A mixture of both synchronous and asynchronous components. Synchronous meeting times will appear on the schedule and can include class meeting times and/or synchronous exams.
0084Face-to-Face Class - The students meet with the instructor in person at the location designated on the schedule.
0085A standard hybrid but where the class is split so that only half or a portion of the class meets in the classroom on a given day. The other portion will be covered with online work. The instructor will contact the students to as to which day they will meet in the classroom.
00861 hour by arrangement.